WesSpur Rigging Gear Kits

Complete set-ups for negative block rigging or rigging with a high line angle. The Standard Rigging Kit starts with the highest-quality ropes and hardware. Other kits switch out elements for specific purposes. Contact us to customize any rigging kit and keep the kit savings.

6 Products

Standard Rigging Kit
Standard Rigging Kit - Yale
Rigging Kit Plus
Rigging Kit Plus - Tall Trees
Atlas Rigging Kit
Big Rig Kit

More coming soon, reserve now.


WesSpur Negative Block Tree Rigging Kits

These Rigging Kits are complete set-ups for negative block rigging or rigging with a high line angle. The Standard Rigging Kit starts with the highest-quality ropes and hardware. Other kits switch out elements for specific purposes.

Our rigging kits are fully customizable! Contact us to switch out any item in your kit - you'll keep the kit savings and get exactly the gear you want!

The forces involved in negative blocking can be extreme. A resource such as the Samson Log Impact Force Calculator (Rigging Wheel) can be a great aid in understanding the forces generated, and keeping your system within the working load limits of your gear.