Big Shot Line Launcher




The Big Shot Line Launcher is the easiest way to accurately get your throw line in the tree. The Big Shot slingshot can launch your throw bag over 100' into the tree. An arborist slingshot can be a huge time saver. Use with the Big Shot trigger for even easier aiming and smooth release. (Big Shot Trigger sold separately - item # THR306).

With practice, you will develop the accuracy to place your throw bag up to 150". We've had customers tell us they used the Big Shot and saved hours they would have spent hand throwing. Especially useful when setting ropes in tall trees.

The Big Shot has thick rubbers, a convenient pull, and the sling is simple to replace.

Features & Benefits

  • Increased speed/productivity
  • Accurate
  • Reduces fatigue from multiple throws
  • Easy to operate
  • All parts replaceable

Safety & Use Tips

  • Firing pouch and elastic straps must be turned AWAY from the operator.
  • Only use this product with approved fiberglass poles.
  • Always wear proper safety equipment, including helmet and eye protection.
  • Always evaluate target zone for unexpected hazards.
  • If people or valuable property are in the target zone, DO NOT FIRE until they are relocated a safe distance away.
  • Before firing, provide a loud, audible warning by voice or whistle.
  • Prepare your throw line before firing by flaking it out onto a tarp or into a bucket/bag positioned between yourself and the target.
  • Position the throw weight evenly in the sling pouch.

Ratings & Reviews

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8/18/2023 10:37 am

More distance

by Vance -

Looks like a luxury item, but it's a necessity.

10/16/2023 4:43 pm

This saves me SO much time and makes shots I never could

by John

I am terrible at hand throwing even with practice. This tool is the only way I can place most of my climbing and rigging lines. I use it every job. It works as well now as when purchased in 2017.

2/15/2024 7:09 pm


by Samantha

I have both this and an air cannon. I find the cannon easier to aim but this is more useful for me. No pump or air supply needed. It also can get distance that hand tossing cannot.